Q. How do I get involved with USG?
A. There are many ways to get involved with USG. Students can become interns in the fall, run for a senate position or executive position in the spring, or students can apply to be a director in the spring. Finally, students can apply to be on the University Boards and Committees or the ASASU Supreme Court. Follow us on Instagram/Facebook/Twitter to receive live updates about when/how to apply for these positions!
Q. What does USG Do?
A. Undergraduate Student Government is a student organization and advocacy group that represents ASU students on a university, city, and state level. USG also provides many services to students including Safety Escort and Bike Co-op.
Q. How do I bring an issue to USG's attention?
A. We recommend students to reach out to their senators by email. Additionally, students can directly address USG at the beginning of Senate meetings (Senate Schedule). Finally, students can visit USG's office on the second floor of the Student Pavilion.
Q. Can anyone join USG?
A. Anyone is eligible to be in USG as long as they have good academic and behavioral standing with ASU. Students are required to have at least one credit hour on the Tempe Campus. To be a senator, the student's major must be on the Tempe campus.
Q. How many people are in USG?
A. There are five executives, eighteen directors, twenty-six senators, and thirty Interns in Undergraduate Student Government.
Q. What are appropriations?
A. Appropriations are a way for clubs to receive general and event funding. Please visit the funding tab for more information.
Q. Can you help me with travel?
A. USG offers travel funding for student organizations. Please visit the travel funding section on our website.
Q. Where does USG get our money from?
A. USG receives money from the Student Programming Fee. Every student pays $35 per a semester which USG then allocates to various organizations.
Q. When does USG meet?
A. The USG Senate meets every other Tuesday at 6:30PM. Students are also able to come up to the second floor of the Student Pavilion between 8AM and 5PM to speak directly with USG representatives.
Q. I am a student at Downtown/West/Poly, how do I get involved?
A. USG-D, USG-WV and USG-P all serve as independent governments. Find their contact information here.
Q. I am an online student, how do I get involved?
A. All positions at USG Tempe are open to online students, as long as your major resides on the Tempe campus.
Q. How is student government different than high school student council?
A. Student Government at the University level is much different than high school student government. USG focuses on advocacy and creating services for the student body. Whereas, high school student councils tend to plan dances and other events, USG focuses on policy work, special events, and working with student organizations. If you are interested in planning campus wide events check out the Programming and Activities Board!
Q. Is there a judicial branch?
A. Yes, USG has a judicial branch. USG has a supreme court that oversees all 4 campuses with a representative for each campus.
Q. Where can I find an archive of past Senate legislation?
A. Check out our drop box account which is an archive of all our old minutes from the last few years ( dropbox ). For older materials, please come up to the USG offices to see legislation.